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Today, it is used in a cross-section of different professions and has been a tool for presentations in the board room or classroom. The origins of PowerPoint software can be traced to the mid 1980s, but the program gained in popularity afte Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation software program that is commonly used in both businesses and classrooms. Built-in professional-looking graphics and tools allow even the most novice user to create impressive visual presentations. Mic PowerPoint, a solo show of German artist Michael Riedel, takes the 23-year-old program as a jumping off point. An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company's distinctive lens The first time you run your version of Microsoft PowerPoint following installation, a prompt will appear requesting you to activate your software. It is important to activate your product, as this validates your application as genuine Micro One of PowerPoint’s charms is the ability to visually represent information by using its large library of available graphics, such as charts and graphs. If you want to create a timeline, well, Microsoft has just the thing. Here’s how it’s d 最新版Microsoft PowerPoint 2010官方免费下载, 時,可以取得隨時保持最新 版本的熟悉App。 軟體下載:按這裡; Starter 與完整版的功能差異:Word、Excel .

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